Public Clarification Board

  • miontrius
    Contest Holder
    • 6 years ago

    Look at these font choices:

    The font Ribeat is close to what I mean with modern but still with a childish / happy vibe, but this font is slightly more cartoonish.

    Take a look at the customized theme fonts such as Snot, Kahir and Jokerman that is what I want with "smakfull" with a food theme or within our vision & goals.

    Combine that with the Ribeat font, adjust it to be a bit more modern and sleek + customized letters (or some kind of icons) in this way.

    Another approach is modern approach such as Pistilli and silfaen. Try also this way with the pattern of customized letters.

    Brush fonts such as Obersvant is slightly to bold / brushy bot the composistion of the text is really good.

    • 6 years ago