Put finishing touches on our logo design

Contest Brief

We've got a draft of our logo done, but are looking for that expert design eye to make it all really come together. The attached source file shows a sun rising over a house, with a wifi symbol beaming down into the house. We are thinking - have the upper portion of the sun be represented as a concierge bell (https://www.google.com/search?q=concierge+bell&tbm=isch&source=lnt&tbs=itp:clipart&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjnt8fQ9f_cAhVzIDQIHb4dDZQQpwUIIA&biw=2562&bih=1256&dpr=1.5#imgrc=EPa1QUmDVgy7OM:). As the bell will only be in the upper half of the sun, the lower half of the sun that is visible behind the house should still be there - when you look at it, it should be obvious that it is both picture of a sun setting behind a house, as well as a concierge bell. Maybe transition the color of the sun so that it transitions from a yellow bell to orange and then red? (see attached example beach-sunset-clipart-119536-3519637.jpg). Also make any other suggested changes (the trees probably shouldn't be identical reflected images, the wifi symbol might be a little too big or the bars too fat, and maybe the wave shouldn't be two identical offset curves).

Other creative ideas are welcome. Go outside the box and pick a direction different than above if you have a better idea!

Please submit Adobe Illustrator (.ai) file of your idea.

The company:
Virtual Concierge Service for Vacation Rentals

Vacation (short-term) rental industry

Voice-enabled virtual concierge using Amazon Alexa or Google Home
Smart home kit customized for vacation properties

Vision/Mission keywords/phrases:
Enhance guest experience
Differentiate host property

Recommended Skills

Employer Feedback

“Outstanding responsiveness and thoroughness. ”

Profile image YoungDL, United States.

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