Disable navigation bar android jobs


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    2,000 disable navigation bar android jobs found, pricing in USD

    ...website developer to create a financial application for Android and IOS. The app will need to be similar to Paytm, but exclusively using USDT as the default currency for interaction, while also providing the user with the ability to execute payments using INR. Key Features: 1. User registration and login: Build a secure and effective user registration and login interface. 2. Money transfer functionality: Enable users to execute smooth transactions using a stable cryptocurrency. 3. Currency exchange functionality: Users should be able to convert their USDT into INR. Design: A modern and sleek design is necessary to appeal to the tech-savvy user base. It should be attractive, user-friendly, and intuitive to ensure smooth navigation. Required Skills: - Previous experie...

    $720 (Avg Bid)
    $720 Avg Bid
    11 bids

    I require a dedicated and professional developer to craft an e-commerce website for my yoga business. The ideal platform will have the following features: - An online store that's easy to navigate, reflecting a clean a...plan to incorporate the following payment methods: credit card and PayPal. If you have expertise in implementing secure and efficient payment gateways, it would greatly facilitate this project's success. Applicants with a history of constructing e-commerce sites, especially those relating to fitness or similar apparel businesses, are preferential. Familiarity with UI/UX design for intuitive navigation and aesthetic appeal is crucial. Your work will empower yogis everywhere by providing them with the best possible products. Suitably impressed, we look f...

    $234 (Avg Bid)
    $234 Avg Bid
    43 bids
    Wordpress site 6 days left

    Development of an educational website on WordPress focusing on content organization and accessibility. The site will feature a post categorization function to facilitate user navigation. Inspired by the provided prototype, the design will be modern and intuitive, aiming for a pleasant and efficient user experience. The goal is to provide a user-friendly platform for students and educators to access and share knowledge in an easy and organized manner. You can view the prototype at this link:

    $144 (Avg Bid)
    $144 Avg Bid
    62 bids

    ...plugin to version 5 and introduce Android compatibility. I am looking for a Geofence plugin. I have a good starting point with a public plugin, but it needs updating. Here is the source repository: Please reference it, and add updates to it for capacitor version 5, update any of the swift or Objective C code that may be out of date, add corresponding support for Android. Key Requirements: - The main focus of this project is to enhance the plugin's compatibility with various platforms, particularly iOS and Android. - The plugin should be updated to Capacitorjs v5 to ensure it's leveraging the latest features and security patches.. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Capacitorjs, IOS and Android development. - Experience in updating

    $470 (Avg Bid)
    $470 Avg Bid
    16 bids

    ...own an android mobile device to be eligible for this project. For this project, you will have to go to 15 stores and assess products for defects. The number of stores will decrease to 10, if the products' availability is more than 90% after the first 10 stores. The set fee for this project is €150. In each store you will have to assess the product, take photos of the defects, and assess the production code. Training material will be provided. Specific requirements for the project include: - Conducting a retail audit in Kaunas - Collecting data on an app - Must have an android device Skills and experience needed for this project: - Strong analytical skills - Excellent communication skills - Ability to finish the project by a specific deadline - Flexible sched...

    $151 - $162
    $151 - $162
    0 bids

    I need a screen recording video with a professional and informative voice-over to demonstrate our booking process. Key Requirements: - Screen Recording: You will need to record the booking process on a computer screen. Clarity and easy-to-follow navigation in the video are crucial. - Voice Over: The primary tone of the voiceover should be professional and informative. Ideal Skills: - Video Production and Editing: Experience in creating screen recording videos is highly preferred. - Voice Over: Proficient in providing a voice over that is professional and informative. - Understanding of Booking Processes: Prior experience with creating similar videos in the booking domain is a plus.

    $326 (Avg Bid)
    $326 Avg Bid
    37 bids

    ...functions below. *Does not need to be identical to figma, but maintain logic. Link Figma: How it works: - The entire user journey is gamification. - The user chooses a project that has x days (screen 1). Then you must mark the completed days (screen 2) in the app to earn coins. - The coins are on the top bar (Fixed) and starts with 0 coins. - The number of user coins and complete days must be saved in a local sql-lite database. Summary: - Create app with Expo 50 and TypeScript; - The data must be saved in a local database. This project is offline, but there must be online synchronization support with the offline-first approach. Save user coins, projects and days complete; - Number of days on screen

    $164 (Avg Bid)
    $164 Avg Bid
    37 bids

    I'm looking for an experienced app developer who can create a social networking app for both iOS and Android platforms. The main features I need the app to have are messaging, as well as photo and video sharing capabilities. Key requirements: - Develop a social networking app for both iOS and Android platforms - Implement messaging functionality - Implement photo and video sharing functionality Ideal Skills and Experience: - Prior experience developing social networking apps - Proficiency in both iOS and Android app development - Strong understanding of messaging and media sharing functionalities - Solid knowledge of app design and user experience principles Your portfolio should include previous social networking apps you have developed or similar projects....

    $53 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $53 / hr Avg Bid
    21 bids

    I'm looking for an experienced developer who can work on an Android application with significant social networking features. The app should have user profiles and authentication, as well as friend connections and messaging features. Ideal skills and experience: - Proficient in Python, with expertise in developing Android applications - Familiar with social networking app development - Experience with implementing user profiles, authentication, friend connections, and messaging Please only apply if you have a strong background in both Android and Python development, with a portfolio that demonstrates similar projects. Your understanding of social networking app dynamics will be a big plus. Thank you.

    $138 (Avg Bid)
    $138 Avg Bid
    23 bids

    ... enhance user experience, and optimize loading speed. This upgrade is crucial as the website caters to a diverse audience, including the general public, existing customers, and potential customers. Being SEO ready as well. Key Tasks: - **Design Improvement**: The current design needs to be refined to give a more polished and professional look. This includes reorganizing content, improving navigation, and ensuring a consistent visual style throughout the site. - **Enhanced User Experience**: The website should be easy to navigate, with intuitive user interfaces and engaging content. It should be designed to cater to the needs and preferences of a wide range of users. - **Speed Optimization**: One of the main issues with the current site is its slow loading time. The upgraded we...

    $451 (Avg Bid)
    $451 Avg Bid
    167 bids

    ...a skilled Android app developer to construct an application similar to Instagram, focusing specifically on photo and video sharing features. Only front end work is required. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Android Development - Java or Kotlin - Familiarity with Instagram's functionality - UI/UX design implementation from provided specifications Tasks: - Implement a robust photo and video sharing feature - Translate my specific UI/UX design into an engaging user interface. I welcome developers with a solid track record in building interactive and aesthetically pleasing Android applications. It's essential to be proficient in either Java or Kotlin and have a solid understanding of Instagram to replicate its user experience successfully. Let's cre...

    $22 (Avg Bid)
    $22 Avg Bid
    4 bids

    I'm seeking a talented web and brand designer for my radiology company. My primary objective is to attract new individual patients with a design that exudes innovation. Key deliverables include: - A top-tier website design prioritizing user experience and intuitive navigation - A brand identity pack with original logo, typography, and color schemes Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience in healthcare website and brand design - Excellent understanding of UX design principles - Portfolio showcasing innovative, cutting-edge designs Use this website as a basic outline. Your role will be pivotal in communicating our state of the art services and establishing our brand as a trusted provider in the market. We have 45 days to be operational.

    $3000 - $5000
    Featured Sealed
    $3000 - $5000
    82 bids

    I'm looking for a talented UI designer who can help me redesign my Android app's interface. Specifics: - I want the Android version to retain the efficiency and elegance of the iOS app's UI. - The primary goal of this redesign is to enhance user experience, so I'm looking for someone with a strong background in user-centric design. - The current UI suffers from an inconsistent color scheme, so I need someone who can address this issue while ensuring a cohesive design across the app. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in Android UI/UX design, with a deep understanding of both Android and iOS design principles. - Proficiency in creating visually appealing, intuitive, and consistent UI designs. - Strong problem-solving skills,...

    $139 (Avg Bid)
    $139 Avg Bid
    75 bids

    ...of 41 buttons with fixed parameters for changing the layout and size of windows. Capability to work with both individual and multiple tabs. Integration of 5 slider toggles for setting user preferences: Option to duplicate a tab with the ability to open it in a new window. Choice between resizing the entire window or just the tab (primary toggle). Option to hide the URL bar when opening a tab. Option to hide the bookmarks bar. Option to hide the tabs list. Additional Functionality: Discussion and potential implementation of additional features for an additional fee. 4. Non-functional Requirements Performance: The extension should provide a quick response to user commands without significant delay. Usability: The interface should be intuitive and user-friendly for the end u...

    $140 (Avg Bid)
    $140 Avg Bid
    35 bids

    I am in need of an experienced developer who can help me create a professional and engaging website for my pressure washing business. Key Requirements: - The website should serve as an online platform for my pressure washing services, built with the goal of attracting and informing potential customers. - It should have a user-friendly design that caters to the general public, ensuring easy navigation and seamless interaction. - Key features such as a contact form, image gallery showcasing my work, and an FAQ section should be incorporated. - The site should be optimized for search engines to ensure maximum visibility. Ideal Candidate: - Experience in developing websites, particularly for service-based businesses. - Familiarity with e-commerce platforms, as the website will serve ...

    $238 (Avg Bid)
    $238 Avg Bid
    156 bids

    My project requires development of a Set Top Box (STB) emulator for Android. This emulator must include: - IPTV login capabilities - A billing system - Integration with Stalker portal I need the system to be highly secure, therefore it should incorporate: - Two-factor authentication to guard against unauthorized access - Encryption for protecting sensitive data Ideal candidates for this role will have experience specifically in STB emulator development for Android, as well as a good understanding of security measures such as two-factor authentication and data encryption. Knowledge in IPTV login capabilities, billing systems, and Stalker portal integration is essential. If you will also submit the link of IPTV player sample that you developed, it will help you to get th...

    $279 (Avg Bid)
    $279 Avg Bid
    28 bids

    ... This means you won't need to worry about the WordPress backend, plugins and the associated database. - The site has some dynamic elements like contact forms, comments section, and user login pages. These will need to be converted into static pages. - I would like to retain some specific design elements and functionalities from the WordPress site. These include the header/logo design, the navigation menu and the slider/carousel. It's essential that these are transferred over accurately. You need to have a solid grasp of both WordPress and HTML, as well as good understanding of UI/UX principles. The most important thing is to make sure the site looks and works just like it did in WordPress, but without the need for a CMS. Please provide examples of similar projects...

    $143 (Avg Bid)
    $143 Avg Bid
    199 bids

    I need a proficient mobile app developer to design a unique Android camera app with integrated flight-specific data. The core capabilities of this app should include: - The automatic stamping of location and time on photos taken within the app. This needs to happen seamlessly during the photo capture process. - A feature to display specific details of flights as sourced from a reliable flight tracking platform like Flightradar. The ideal candidate for this role should have: - Extensive app development skills, specifically on the Android platform. - Previous experience in integrating third-party APIs into mobile applications, particularly in relation to flight data would be beneficial. - A keen understanding of efficient GPS locating and time-stamping techniques. - Good eye...

    $226 (Avg Bid)
    $226 Avg Bid
    35 bids

    As the client, I'm seeking a skilled Figma designer with a keen eye for creating engaging, user-friendly interfaces. This project demands a modern, sleek approach that ensures ease of navigation as the primary focus. While specific blockchain information to be prominently displayed is not defined yet, the designer should be talented in presenting complex information in a clear, user-friendly way. Expected skills and experience include: - Expertise in Figma - Proven experience designing interactive, user-friendly websites - Ability to create high-quality graphics and illustrations - Good understanding or interest in Blockchain technology. - Excellent problem solving and communication skills. Reference site :

    $159 (Avg Bid)
    $159 Avg Bid
    99 bids
    Board Support Package for SMARC 13 hours left

    I'm in need of a skilled developer to assist in creating a board support package for our SMARC-based hardware. Your support would primarily involve enabling the following functionalities: - Touch screen functionality - LVDS video support The package should be compatible with Android OS. As such, prior experience with Android OS and SMARC boards would be beneficial. Upon completion of the updated BSP, we would like a training to teach our developers how to modify the BSP. Please note that this project would require you to work closely with our hardware team to ensure seamless integration.

    $750 - $1500
    Urgent Sealed NDA
    $750 - $1500
    3 bids

    I am looking for a seasoned web designer and graphic artist to develop an informational website along with an appealing logo. Skills & Requirements: - Strong background in web design and graphic design - Experience in creating logos - Solid understanding of website navigation and aesthetics Job Details: - You will need to create a streamlined and user-friendly website layout focusing on providing information about my business. - The website should include sections such as contact and location details, services, appointments, home page, and pricing. - As for the logo, it should be simple yet intriguing, able to convey the ethos of my business. - I will provide the content for the website. So, your main task would be focused more on the design aspect. In summary, it's abo...

    $167 (Avg Bid)
    Featured Urgent
    $167 Avg Bid
    72 bids

    ...skilled Kamailio specialist to set up a proxy server that's capable of sending push notifications to Android and iOS softphone apps. Key Requirements: - Cross-Platform Compatibility: The server needs to support both Android and iOS. - High Volume: The proxy will need to handle a substantial amount of push notifications, so performance and reliability are paramount. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Expertise in Kamailio: Experience working with Kamailio in a similar capacity is essential. - Push Notification Implementation: A strong understanding of push notifications and how to implement them across different platforms. - Mobile App Development: Knowledge of mobile app development, particularly on Android and iOS, is a plus. Please provide details of your e...

    $152 (Avg Bid)
    $152 Avg Bid
    19 bids

    I'm facing a frustrating problem with my personal Android device running Android 14. The issue is specifically with the Wi-Fi - it's currently disabled, and despite trying different troubleshooting steps, I haven't been able to get it enabled again. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Android system - Deep understanding of Wi-Fi protocols - Experience in troubleshooting Android issues - Excellent problem-solving skills It's important for me to get this fixed as soon as possible since having Wi-Fi functionality is crucial for my device's everyday use. I'm looking for an expert who can help me resolve this issue effectively and efficiently. Thank you for your interest and help.

    $36 (Avg Bid)
    $36 Avg Bid
    15 bids

    I'm looking for a skilled Webflow developer to make strategic improvements to my website. The project involves a mix of SEO tweaks and backend work to enhance user experience. Key Deliverables: SEO work will include (PDF can be provided): changing hreflang, changing url page names, adding meta descriptio...Adding additoinal pages: Updating the main menu to add additional pages Creating additional pages Uploading text and images, which will be provided Ensure consistent layout across all pages Ideal Skills: - Proven experience with Webflow - Strong understanding of SEO best practices - Ability to implement and optimize meta tags, URLs, Hreflang, and headings - Experience with building and refining navigation menus - Ability to work from a brief and provided PDF for additiona...

    $31 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $31 / hr Avg Bid
    115 bids

    I'm looking for a skilled Android app developer to create a beverage vending machine system with a backend web application. The system should be capable of providing a seamless experience for customers, ensuring convenience and efficiency in the beverage ordering process. Key Features: - The Android app will need to include the following functionalities: - Ordering beverages: The app should allow users to browse through a selection of beverages and place orders. - Payment processing: The app should offer a secure and user-friendly payment gateway for transactions. - Brewsing: An additional feature that enables users to brew their own beverages in the vending machine. - The payment processing system should ideally support: - Credit/debit cards: Seamless...

    $304 (Avg Bid)
    $304 Avg Bid
    15 bids

    ASAP (Right Now) I’m looking for a proficient web developer to help enhance the interactive features on my w...(Right Now) I’m looking for a proficient web developer to help enhance the interactive features on my website by strategically linking page and lightbox objects to datasets. This involves connecting navigation buttons to ensure the correct line of data is filled based on the different buttons. Key requirements: - In-depth WIX knowledge of modern web design and development techniques to ease navigation and improve user experience - Experience in handling datasets related to product details to provide a tailored user experience - Display substantial skills in creating and managing responsive navigation buttons Looking to get this done in a cou...

    $109 (Avg Bid)
    $109 Avg Bid
    62 bids

    I'm looking for a skilled and experienced developer to help update and optimize our existing app for our business. Contact Number 7999978O355 Key Goals: - Optimize the performance of our current app - Maintain its high standard of quality and usability Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in PHP and/or Android development - Ability to effectively optimize app performance - Understanding of business app requirements and best practices For this project, the primary focus will be on performance enhancement. This will require a diligent and detail-oriented approach to ensure that the app continues to work seamlessly for our customers. The successful candidate will not only have a strong technical background but also an ability to understand and work within an existi...

    $80 (Avg Bid)
    $80 Avg Bid
    15 bids

    In need of a skilled developer who can streamline my website's flow by integrating the HTML form into Google Sheets. Key Details: - The form details to be moved to the Google sheet include the user's name, email, phone number, and m...include the user's name, email, phone number, and message. - The trigger for this integration is when the form is submitted. Understanding of form submission handling and triggers is a must. - There are no specifics on how the data should be organized in the Google Sheet, but after the form submission, it needs to redirect to a ' Custom Thank You' page. Experience with redirecting and website navigation is desired. Note: you need to do the project sharing my screen My project budget is $5 My website where the form is install...

    $6 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $6 / hr Avg Bid
    10 bids

    We are looking for a creative and responsible social media specialist to develop and implement an SMM strategy for our Nail Bar in Limassol, Cyprus. We specialize in manicure and pedicure services. Our target audience is Russian and English-speaking women aged 20 to 50 who live in Cyprus or visit the island as tourists. Tasks: Creation and approval of a monthly content plan, including posts and stories on Instagram and Facebook. Development of a unique visual style for the accounts that reflects our brand. Preparation and publication of posts in both Russian and English, catering to our diverse audience. Organization and execution of online promotions and contests to increase follower engagement. Monitoring audience response and analyzing the effectiveness of campaigns. Candidate ...

    $406 (Avg Bid)
    $406 Avg Bid
    42 bids

    I am seeking a talented web designer to help build an engaging website that really catches the eye. This site will be for my medical tourism consultancy - taking the form of a virtual clinic, it will need to reflect the highest standards of professionalism. Key Features: - Structured, well-organized layout - Simple, intuitive navigation system - Clean design elements that reflect a modern medical aesthetic - Intuitive booking or contact system for potential clients Ideal Skills: - Proven experience designing clean, professional digital environments - Familiarity with the medical field can help for a smooth project run - Strong UI/UX design skills - Coding skills such as HTML/CSS or JavaScript are a plus - Ability to incorporate a simple booking/contact system Your portfolio showi...

    $306 (Avg Bid)
    $306 Avg Bid
    138 bids

    I'm seeking a knowledgeable developer to build a chat application compatible with Android devices. Key features should include: - Group chat functionality: It must allow users to create and maintain various group chats with effortless ease. - Minimalist UI: I envision a user interface that emphasizes simplicity and functionality with little visual clutter. Bidder needs to be proficient in Android application development and have experience in structuring group chat features. A keen understanding of minimalist design principles will also be beneficial for this project.

    $638 (Avg Bid)
    $638 Avg Bid
    96 bids

    I need a Python expert knowledgeable in Android-PC interfacing. I run a Linux OS on my computer and I am looking to have a script developed that allows me to take a picture from my Android phone on command from the PC. Objective: - A Python script to take pictures from an Android phone controlled via a Linux OS. Key Features: - Trigger the script to capture a photo when a specific event (like a click) happens on the PC. - The location for saving captured photos is undecided and open for suggestion. Ideal Skills and Expertise: - Python programming with experience in Android-PC interfacing. - Knowledge of Linux based systems. - Understanding of camera operations on Android. Please bid with a proposed solution in mind, and add any experience you have ...

    $6 / hr (Avg Bid)
    $6 / hr Avg Bid
    5 bids

    I'm seeking an experienced Android developer for the creation of a personal car share application. Key Features: - User Registration and Login: The application should allow users to register and log in to their accounts. - GPS Tracking and Mapping: The app must have GPS integration to enable real-time tracking of both the car and the user's location. - Payment Integration: The app is expected to have a payment gateway to facilitate transactions between users. If you've previously worked on similar applications or have the necessary skillset to bring this to life, I'd love to hear from you.

    $394 (Avg Bid)
    $394 Avg Bid
    71 bids

    Main Functions: - Admin control panel - Provider web panel - Online booking website - Landing page - User Android iOS app - Provider Android iOS app - Serviceman Android iOS app All Categories: Laundry, roofing, electrician, construction, Car Wash, pest control, Plumbing, Painting & Renovation, House Cleaning, Gadget Repair, Emergency, Car Service, Beauty & Salon, Appliance Repair and more.. Features: Multiple Service Providers Booking Management In-app Messages Rating and Reviews Deals/discounts/promotions Ads, Navigation Light or Dark Theme Multi-Languages Support Multiple Payments Gateway Multi Currency Tracking and Filter Bookings Help & Support for customers Favorites, Wishlist. Accept/Deny Bookings Service Management And much more...

    $739 (Avg Bid)
    $739 Avg Bid
    213 bids

    I'm in need of an experienced Android app developer to create an e-commerce platform for me. The primary goal of this app is to sell products. I will need the app to be connected to my existing web-based store for seamless management across platforms. Key requirements: - Proficient in Android app development - Experienced in e-commerce app development - Ability to handle app customisation, integrating it with my existing web platform. It's crucial that you're detail-oriented, easy to communicate with, and able to deliver a high-quality end product. Your understanding of the e-commerce landscape will be a big plus. Looking forward to receiving your proposals.

    $54 (Avg Bid)
    $54 Avg Bid
    21 bids

    I'm in need of a proficient mobile app developer who can bring my envisioned design to life. The focus is to create a straightforward Android app for customers to scan QR codes on our products and readily access product specifications and download quality documents. Key Features: - QR code scanning - Document download functionality Skills and Experience: - Proficient in Android app development - Experience in QR code scanning technology - Know-how on integrating document download functionality - Strong ability to adhere to provided design Please note: There's a requirement for no monthly charges associated with the use of this app. We aim to publish this on Google Play for easy customer download. Don't worry about any extra features such as customer lo...

    $555 (Avg Bid)
    $555 Avg Bid
    190 bids

    I'm in need of an experienced Shopify developer who can as...to make some changes to the theme, predominantly focused on the color scheme, fonts, and logo/header. Additionally, my navigation menu needs to be tailored to a simple shop structure, with categories and products. YOU NEED ENEBLE START RIGHT IRECT AND FINISH ASAP Key Points: - Customization of Shopify theme - Changes to color scheme, fonts, and logo/header - Add swedish language content we provide to you - Streamlining navigation menu - Introducing product categories and products Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Shopify development - Demonstrable experience with theme customization - Strong eye for design and aesthetics - Experience in optimizing navigation menus - Prior experience with e...

    $57 (Avg Bid)
    $57 Avg Bid
    78 bids

    I'm in need of skilled app developers who can create a robust E-commerce application for both iOS and Android platforms. Key Requirements: - E-commerce Focus: Please inbox ? me for more details. - Payment Gateway Integration: MOMO MTN. The application should be integrated with MoMo MtN payment gateways to ensure smooth transactions for users. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in app development for both iOS and Android. - Prior experience in creating E-commerce applications, with a focus on usability and user experience. - Expertise in integrating payment gateways in mobile applications. - Strong understanding of security measures for E-commerce platforms. I'm open to your suggestions and expertise to enhance the functionality and usability of the app. If y...

    $536 (Avg Bid)
    $536 Avg Bid
    87 bids

    ...subjects I offer includes Math, English and Science. Therefore, the website needs to cater to all academic requirements. - An online booking system to schedule appointments, an integrated payment gateway for seamless transactions and an elaborate tutor profiles section are requisite functionalities. - Additional components would be a Home Screen, 'My Account' page, and 'Contact Us' page for easy navigation and user interaction. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in designing and building professional-looking websites. - Familiarity with integrating online booking system and payment gateways. - Clear understanding of the educational sector would be a bonus. Your mission is to create a sleek platform that is user-friendly and enhances our online learning experi...

    $296 (Avg Bid)
    $296 Avg Bid
    42 bids

    We are seeking a skilled Android developer to integrate an Excel import feature into our existing app, "Fuel Injection MSI CRDI Charts" (). Scope of Work: Develop a function to import data from Excel files (.xls or .xlsx) into the app. The import functionality should be similar to the existing "Fuel Injection Price List" section within the app. Ensure data integrity and proper handling of potential errors during import. Implement appropriate user interface elements for file selection and import initiation. Skills Required: Android development expertise (Java/Kotlin) Experience with data parsing and Excel file handling libraries Understanding of user interface design principles for Android Strong problem-solving and

    $115 (Avg Bid)
    $115 Avg Bid
    12 bids

    ...Once built, you will be responsible for submitting these apps to both Apple and Play Store. Your responsibilities will include with Setting up and configuring the apps Ideal candidates should have plenty of experience with Flutter Development, as well as a portfolio of past work to demonstrate their expertise. - Proficiency in Flutter development - Experience in developing for both iOS and Android platforms - Ability to work independently with minimal guidance As the client, I did not specify the key features to be prioritized, giving you the flexibility to design the app in a way you find most effective. Similarly, there is no predesignated design requirement for the app, paving the way for creative freedom. Given the lack of specifications, the ideal freelancer should be ...

    $116 (Avg Bid)
    $116 Avg Bid
    34 bids
    Website Navigation 6 days left

    I'm looking for an experienced professional to improve the navigation and user experience of my website. Key Tasks: - Enhancing website navigation to make it more intuitive and user-friendly - Improving user experience through strategic placement and design of elements on the website Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven track record of working on website navigation and user experience projects - Proficiency with web design best practices and user experience principles - Strong understanding of user behavior and ability to translate insights into actionable improvements - Familiarity with front-end development to implement necessary changes

    $16 (Avg Bid)
    $16 Avg Bid
    29 bids

    I am an Interior Designer, looking for a reliable, skilled designer to outsource my designs to; The pressing need is a 3D rendering of a traditional modern blend kitchen. I have the design, floorplan and finishes to share complete with colour palette. The key features that should be represented in the rendering include: - Island counter - Wooden cabinets - Stone countertops - Bifold doors - Dry bar - Dining table - Adequate lighting - I have a 3D. model but need to outsource to gain the detail, sketchup or similar skills please Ideal candidates for this project should have: - Proficient skills in 3D modeling and rendering - Experience in traditional interior design - Ability to work with earth tones - Strong attention to detail to include all key features

    $467 (Avg Bid)
    $467 Avg Bid
    69 bids

    I'm seeking a proficient developer to design an all-inclusive mobile application for both Android and iOS platforms centered around booking and appointment scheduling. Key features: • Calendar Feature: Incorporation of a user-friendly calender for managing and scheduling appointments. • In-App Notification System: An alert system notifying users of upcoming appointments to ensure no important dates are missed. The ideal freelancer for this project should have • Extensive experience in app development on both iOS and Android platforms. • Excellent UX/UI design skills, making the application easy to navigate. • Robust knowledge in developing appointment booking systems and familiarity with push notifications. • Expertise in ensuring the...

    $1376 (Avg Bid)
    $1376 Avg Bid
    194 bids

    ...to analyze my website's performance and user experience. Specifically, I require assistance in identifying and resolving issues related to high traffic volume impacting the site's performance. Key Tasks: - Analyze the website's performance, focusing on factors like slow page load times and high server response times. - Investigate user experience elements to ensure optimal functionality and navigation. - Identify and address issues related to high traffic volume, leading to slow performance. Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficient in Joomla website management and troubleshooting. - Strong understanding of website performance metrics and user experience. - Experience in handling high traffic websites and resolving associated issues. - Ability to identify and a...

    $43 (Avg Bid)
    $43 Avg Bid
    22 bids

    I'm in need of a skilled web designer to create a website for my cigar company. The main feature of the site will be an online store to sell our various cigar products. Key Requirements: - Design the website using a dark and sophisticated color scheme to reflect the luxury and exclusivity of our brand. - Make sure the online store is the focal point of the website with clear navigation and a user-friendly interface. - Display our products with large images and minimal text. The visuals should be captivating and contribute to a high-end user experience. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web design, with a strong understanding of user experience and visual aesthetics. - Previous experience in designing online stores, particularly in luxury or high-end product catego...

    $1112 (Avg Bid)
    $1112 Avg Bid
    143 bids

    I am looking for a developer to create a reliable and efficient network accelerator for all Android models. This project aims to optimize the speed and provide an essential feature which is traffic redirection to a specific website. Key Features: 1. Traffic Redirection: This core feature should enable the device to hijack and redirect the internet traffic towards a specific website that I will provide later. 2. All Android Model Compatibility: The network accelerator application has to function seamlessly across all Android models. 3. Undeletable Application: It should be designed as an undeletable system-default application. Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Android system development. - Experience in developing network accelerators or sim...

    $7370 (Avg Bid)
    $7370 Avg Bid
    55 bids