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Contest Listing Types

Narrowing down your search by listing types will not only save you time, but will also help you find quality and high-value contests to join. Listing types are upgrades that contest holders add to their contests.



The contest holder guarantees that a winner will be picked and the prize money awarded.



Featured contests are displayed more prominently on the Browse Contest page to attract more entries.



Urgent contests are open for entry submission for only 24 hours. Awarding of entries may be done immediately as these contests are usually time-sensitive.



To receive unique submissions, only the contest holder can see all the entries in Sealed contests while participating freelancers can only view their own.



In Top Contests, the best freelancers are automatically sent an invite to join the contest.



Before viewing NDA contests, you will be required to sign the Non-Disclosure Agreement which will bind you to the contests' confidentiality.



Private contests are unsearchable on search engines. To keep details in Private contests discreet, you must be logged in to your account to view them. 



These contests are highlighted in yellow to make them more noticeable to freelancers. 



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