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Desource Translation
$30 USD / Hour
Bangladesh (11:20 PM)
Joined on February 14, 2012
$30 USD / Hour
"If you're planning on going global and don't speak the language, you might want to consider linking up with Desource Translation.
With more than 10 years of experience, we represent a team of translators, writers, proofreaders, and transcriptionists dedicated to bringing your business to the world!
When you have an amazing product or service gaining a lot of attention overseas, ensuring your website pages and legal documents translate properly is crucial to your "global transition" going smoothly.
The ultimate goal of our company is to establish a long-term relationship with our clients and facilitate their integration into the global market by integrating their services and products.
As the customer, you will decide whether DESOURCE will be the best translation agency for your needs, but rest assured that it is the cornerstone of our company's translation quality policy to provide the best translation service possible."
Project for Desource Translation
Desource translated translated four complex Greek Government documents filled out with handwritten notes from Greek into English. It was done accurately, completely and prompt. Great quality translation. For complex translation i recommend Desource translations anytime; i have used them for translation from greek to english and previously from english to spanish, chinese and japanese. All excellent work.